TAX Registration in Tanzania
What you need to do when you want to start a business?
Individual Tax Registration
To apply for a Taxpayer Identification Number, a person, whether a resident or a nonresident, must go to a nearby TRA office (regional, district, or tax center) and fill out a TIN application form. If the applicant
has a National Identity Number (NIN), the application can be completed online by going to www.tra.go.tz, selecting Online TIN Registration, and following the processes as directed by the system. If the individual
is requesting a Business TIN, the Online TIN applicant must visit a TRA office in person (with a lease agreement/title deed, and an introduction letter from the local authority) to obtain the TIN Certificate, as
well as a provisional tax assessment and Tax Clearance.
Following receipt of the TIN certificate, the applicant must apply for a business license from the Trade Office in the District, Municipality, or City, as well as the Ministry of Trade and Industry which
is based on the type of business.
What does it mean to be a resident?
A person is considered a resident of the United Republic of Tanzania if they: -On the TIN certificate, the registered business name must be listed alongside an individual's name that shows the owner's name trading as (T/A).
A person who wishes to form a corporation must first apply for a Certificate of Incorporation from the Business Registration and Licensing Authority (BRELA). The company's directors must draft a Memorandum and Articles
of Association and submit the certificate of incorporation, lease agreement/title deed, and local authority introduction letter.
When a person applies to TRA for a TIN, the Certificate of Incorporation
must be submitted to the TIN application together with the Memorandum and Articles of Associations.
Partnership Tax Registration
The partners must register the firm with BRELA and obtain a certificate of registration. After receiving the certificate, the partners visit TRA with the partnership deed, which shows the number and names of the partners
as well as their respective distribution ratio.
When applying for TIN, the partnership firm must submit a copy of the certificate of registration obtained from BRELA, the partnership deed, the lease agreement/title
deed, and an introduction letter from the local authority.
Each individual partner must apply for TIN; if a partner has already been issued with a TIN certificate for another purpose, he or she cannot apply
again. The same TIN number will be used.
Trust Tax Registration
A trust is an arrangement in which the trustees hold assets but do not include a partnership or a corporation.
A trust must register with RITA, obtain a certificate of registration, and draft a trust deed that
includes the names and addresses of the trustees. Each trustee must apply for a TIN; if a trustee has already been issued a TIN certificate for another purpose, he or she cannot apply again. The same TIN number
will be used.